Holiday Gift Guide – Kids Edition 2019

I have a love/hate relationship with toys and toy shopping. I have a passion for researching toys, finding well-made toys that will last forever and, more importantly, entertain my kids. However… How have we managed to build up so much crap?!?

Infant/Toddler Toys

Lacing Toy – $18 – This was a random purchase that has saved me on more than one occasion. This especially helps keep Kate busy when in the car or at a restaurant.

Playskool Poppin Pals – $23 – I read somewhere that this is one of the best “educational” toys for babies close to one. I can’t quantify by saying that my kids are geniuses, but it sure does seem like they had fun with it.

Kid O Activity Board – $40 – I don’t feel stellar about the price, but this little activity board is great because it lights up and vibrates when you push the buttons.

Grimm’s Wooden Toys – Price range from $25-$150 – I became obsessed with these toys last year when I was looking for ideas for Kate’s first Christmas. I had never heard of these before! But I love wooden toys, and these seem like the type to last forever. The only problem is that they are CRAZY expensive. Definitely a special gift.

Fat Brain Toys SpinAgain Stacker – $30 – By far, the coolest stacking toy ever. The stackers spin the whole way down which adds that extra level of entertainment.

Ball Tunnel – $20 – This one is so random and still makes me laugh, but my boys LOVED it. I laugh because it could probably be made at home for less than this costs. I love it, however, because it’s wider than any of the other DIY tubes I had created and fits more toys.

Skoolzy Peg Board – $15 – This was a random purchase that ended up being crazy entertaining for my kids from an early age. So basic!

Box of Tissues – $40 – Speaking of basic, here’s another one… We don’t have this, but I just came across it and am seriously considering for Kate. It’d be an environmentally-friendly way of fulfilling her need to empty tissue boxes while also eventually teaching her the alphabet.

B. Toys Ball Game – $16 – I love pretty much everything B. Toys does, but this one has probably been the favorite in our house. As long as you can put up with the banging noise.


General “Crowd Pleasers”

Kid O Magnetic Board – $20 – This thing is seriously AWESOME. They have a bunch of different options as well, so you can get these for letters, numbers, or just for creative play. My kids have loved these for years, so they span all different ages for sure.

Mad Matter – $12 – $25 – I don’t love messes, but this is worth the little mess it creates. It’s much less messy than kinetic sand, in my opinion. It’s basically a cross between play doh and sand but doesn’t leave the film on your hands like the kinetic sand does.

Giant Bubble Wand – $10 – I know it seems weird to think about bubbles in the winter, but this is so fun to get out as the weather warms up. Another good gift idea for someone else’s kids because you can never have enough bubbles!

State Fair Bingo – $45 – Bingo is a great game, but this set specifically is awesome because of all the pieces. It’s a fun way to teach kids some letters and numbers, and they enjoy playing with all the little parts.

Tumble Trax – $20 – This magnetic marble run has kept my kids entertained for so long. All you need is a magnetic chalkboard or dry erase board of some kind, and they can go to town.

Rock n Roll It Piano – $60 – This is a great toy for all ages because little kids just like to make noise, and the big ones can actually try to learn how to play the piano.

Melissa & Doug Scoop Set – $40 – Really, any wooden food toys are a big hit. This is just the one currently on my radar because we’re getting it this year.

Kiwi Co Crate – $20 – $40 – This is my favorite go-to for someone else’s kids. When you don’t know what they have at home, this is a great option because it’s somewhat “disposable”. Just like any other craft item.

Chunkies Paint Sticks – $38 for the large pack – These are a great alternative to actual paint and kids love them!


“Bigger Ticket” Items

These are the toys that are more expensive, but worth the investment, in my opinion. These are the ones we plan the purchase out in advance for birthdays and Christmas.

Osmo – $70 ish – If you have kids that love screens as much as mine do, you’ll love giving them a “video game” option that’s somewhat educational. They have a ton of different games, including a Hot Wheels version!

Brio Train Set – $100+ – There are a ton of train set options out there. We went with Brio because it was the same brand I played with as a kid. It’s expensive to start the collection, but it’s a great gift to slowly add to over the years.

Hape Marble Run – $95 ish – These marble runs are so fun! For younger kids, adults would need to help do the actual building. As kids get older, they’re able to build it themselves, and it becomes even MORE amazing. They have multiple sets, and they can all be used together, so this is another good one to build on. Also great for storage because they break down to a manageable size!

Magnatiles – $90 – I know this is old news, but these things are awesome. These are another “big” gift idea because they’re pretty expensive. However, they’re probably the most played with toy in our playroom, and we’ve added to the collection every year. No matter how many we get, there never seems to be enough!

Trampoline – $90 – Every playroom needs a trampoline, in my opinion. We’ve worn ours out already, so I’m actually looking for a new one. This is the one I currently have my eye on.

Balance Beam – $70 – I had no idea how expensive some balance beams can be! This is one of the most affordable options I had found, and I LOVE it because it stacks up for storage. It’s also awesome because it can be configured in a variety of ways.