The Few Things I’m OK Missing While in Quarantine

The current situation in the world sucks. There’s no way to sugar-coat it, and I wouldn’t even try. Never could I have imagined school being cancelled, Joe working from home, people wearing gloves and masks when they have to shop for food. I couldn’t have predicted losing the ability to find simple things like toilet paper, paper towels, and cleaning supplies.

Our family is one of the lucky ones, getting to hunker down in the comfort of our own home while we wait this thing out. Our hearts are hurting for all the people who don’t have that luxury and are fighting this thing on the front lines. Life has changed pretty drastically in just a matter of weeks. The list of things I’m missing right now could be epic (including double-ply toilet paper), but in the spirit of positivity, here are the things I’m not missing during this lockdown…

I don’t miss having to jump up in the night every time a kid gets up to pee, anticipating the projectile vomit that is always a possibility with kids in school.

I don’t miss wardrobe malfunctions in front of the other parents at school pickup or drop-off — realizing I wore socks with my mules, the pants with the hole in the knee (not on purpose), or the stained shirt I accidentally splashed bleach on. I’m still doing all those things, but at least nobody’s here to see it.

I don’t miss the yelling that inevitably happens each morning between 8:30 and 8:45, when the nice suggestions to get dressed and out the door aren’t answered, and the panic of being late to school sets in…. That’s not to say that the yelling doesn’t occur the rest of the day, but 8:30-8:45 is relatively calm for us.

I don’t miss having to wear a bra or real pants ever. The chafing under my arms and behind my knees haven’t been a thing for awhile now. Even when doing a video chat, people can only see your head.

I don’t miss the toddler meltdowns that happen daily when we leave the boys at school, and Kate realizes she’s not allowed to stay.

I DO miss my plush, super-absorbent paper products, but I like that I have a new appreciation for toilet paper, paper towels, and disinfecting wipes. I will never use one in vain again.

I don’t miss having to sign for deliveries… juggling a toddler on my hip, the item I ordered, the pen, all while trying to hold the receipt against the door so it doesn’t fly away.

I don’t miss the long work commute that gave my husband time to listen to podcasts but left me to tackle “the witching hour” before bed totally solo.

I don’t miss the guilt that came with screen time. I’m sure it’s not totally without judgement now, but with all that is going on, at least nobody would call me out on it.

I don’t miss Joe being gone for dinner every night of the week. We’ve all benefited from his healthy lifestyle having to come home instead of from the super amazing cafeteria he’s used to.

I don’t miss solicitors. I like the fact that it’s now socially acceptable to not open the front door.

This thing has rocked everyone’s world. There are a lot of days where the weight of everything takes me down. We’re doing our best to keep some light and positivity around here, especially for our kids. We’re not giving up hope, and we’re sending lots of love and prayers!!